Thursday, December 15, 2005

Best Be Updatin'

Has it come to this? Every new blog entry just an excuse about why I’m not blogging? I have a guilty need to explain my absence--if only to stall the inevitable emails asking if I’ve died. I haven’t, but I might as well have -- at least until after Christmas.

I’ve got a book going to press in a week, and the last few weeks I’ve been staying late into the night trying to get it finished. Who sets these imbecilic deadlines? Oh right, my boss.

When the work day finally ends, I eat and go to bed. On the weekends I refuse to even look at a computer. Which makes blogging kind of difficult.

So to Grace, Nardac, Kris, Kim, Adam, CL, Brad, Edwige, Jill, and anyone else who reads this blog regularly: Merry Christmas! Y'all are swell. Enjoy your holiday shopping and whatnot. Don’t get trampled.


grace said...

i listen to hyperballad when i miss you. *sniffle*


Anonymous said...

*wipes away a tear*
I freaking LOVE you man...

NARDAC said...

Merry Christmas too Jeremy. I'm going to be eating myself into a grave, like every other decent frenchie, come Christmas Eve. I hope I don't poke out my mother-in-law's eye with a light-speed popped button.

Kristen said...

Hey, I haven't flown the

Kim said...

Too late. Got trampled. Ow.

Merry Christmas Jeremy!

Cindy-Lou said...

You have a merry Christmas too, Jeremy. Or whatever you Mormon's celebrate.


Love ya.