Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oh, Clipart

Sometimes when browsing the internet for stock images, I come across things that alarm and disturb me. For example, (a bloated mass of deranged drawings, endlessly being pumped out of some kind of work-house asylum) offered me the following:

I can't begin to explain what's wrong with this drawing. First of all, it is offensive to blenders. I refuse to believe that a device capable of delivering such delicious fruity beverages would have a second job as a murder chamber. That's so racist.

Secondly, it's offensive to gnomes. The tiny person inside the blender is clearly some kind of miniature forest creature. Leave the gnomes alone!

And lastly, this image is offensive to large women in yellow dresses. I'm so sick of that ridiculous stereotype. Not all yellow-dressed women use blenders as an implement of torture. What, do you think they spend all day in the kitchen? No. They've got successful, fulfilling careers, and surely can afford a decent pair of nipple clamps.

But maybe we should talk about the larger issue here. Judging by the expression on their face, the woman and her gnome-husband are really hurting inside. Was there a marital dispute? A death in the family? A problem with their tiny, elven children? Whatever the case, this couple needs to learn that one can't just make every problem go away by placing one's spouse in a blender. Sure, it seems like a clear-cut solution, but there are too many negative consequences. Like all the post-blend clean-up. Also, the smell.


hillary said...

I think that woman is a witch, and the man in the blender a failed headshrinking patient. Since she can't show that to potential clients, she obviously must destory the evidence....

or so it would seem.

grace said...

women in yellow dresses are all evil. didn't you know that? it's not a stereotype if it's true...

Kim said...

And what of the question mark? He doesn't even know what he did wrong that poor little gnome! Did he get out?

I'm very distressed. I need to know how this ends.

jess said...

how do you know the children are elven? sometimes when amazon women in yellow dresses and tiny bald gnomes mate, they have average sized children. i find it very judgemental that you would just assume they would have elven children. you're feeding the stereotypes, jeremy.

kris said...

And how 'bout tables without legs? Who will speak for them?

NARDAC said...

I think this might be a perspective problem. For example, if you turn the picture upside down, the woman is smiling and the guy is pushing handstands on a stage. If you squint your eyes, you can see baby unicorns flying across a fat man's belly.

In any case, my I.Q. is 43 so I don't have to worry about being attacked by blenders anytime soon.

And Grace, I'm wearing a yellow dress now. *cue Jaws music*

Jer said...

Hey guys -- thanks for commenting, even on posts as pointless as this. I'm having a hard time getting into the blogging lately -- but will try again soon.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, it's been harder for me to get into writing about life especially when I've been too busy living it (if you call going to work everyday LIVING :P).

to threw in my cents, I think the guy in the blender probably deserved to be made into a delicious drink. That or the lady is really possessive and wanted to consume him. One of the two!

grace said...

yeah, jeremy. i noticed. jeez :P heh.

NARDAC said...

And you missed April Fool's Day, the best day for a blog like yours. Now I am officially disappointed.

Jer said...

On April Fools, I was in hiding. Else I would have totally posted.

Kirk L. Shaw said...


Joe C said...

That's no gnome. It's a midget. Gnomes have pointy hats what would never fit in a blender. Besides, they would kill anyone who got close enough to touch them... it's in their nature.