Monday, November 15, 2004


I think it's high time I wrote a post about Tab. If you're too young, too old, or too drunk to remember, Tab was a soft drink developed by coke with saccharine instead of sugar, was bottled or canned in pinkish-red pin-striped aluminum, and had zero calories. It also tasted like monkey-groin. I speak of it in the past tense because even though it is still around, it is no longer being marketed and is thus dead as far as the world is concerned. It was introduced in the sixties, but really reached its peak in the eighties. I have personally been addicted to it for years.

Why do I drink Tab? Well, not for the taste, that much is clear. Coke tastes better, and so does pig sweat. Do I drink it to be cool? Not really, since drinking Tab is pretty uncool as far as that goes. It is a beverage for old ladies. Do I drink it to keep the weight off? Girl, if I lost any more weight, I’d have to cling to trees during wind storms.

For me it’s about nostalgia and about habit. I started drinking it in high school while working on a literary magazine. The advisor would often bring in food to our meetings: large cookies from Trader Joe’s and 6-packs of Tab. There was nothing else to drink, except maybe sink water. Thus, much of my high school years were spent downing Tab--delightful, filling, piss-nasty Tab. There's just something about it, and I'm not talking about the amusing “Warning: May Cause Cancer” label it had for many years.

I kept buying it in college. It's got more caffeine than coke, great for staying up late studying, and it brought back pleasant memories. At one point I did a Tab advertising campaign for a class (see one of the ads below). It's amazing what you find when you do research on something you think is long dead. Does Tab still have a following? You bet it does. There are forums where people write post after post expressing their love for the sickly sweet liquid. Finding grocery stores that sell 12-packs equates to instant ecstasy for some fans. Others discuss the road trips they've taken to stock up on fridge packs. Of course these people are crazy, but they are crazy Tab-drinkers, so they're okay in my book.

Next time you're at the supermarket, pushing a creaky cart down the soft drink isle, keep a look out for Tab. If you're feeling adventurous, grab a 6-pack. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. The point is, one of these days you're going to get cancer, and when that day comes, you're going to be very confused. “Why, God, why?!” you will ask. And for you atheists out there: “I hate you God, even though you don't exist!” And just when you are feeling like nothing makes sense in this world, think of Tab. Yes, Tab gave you cancer. After all, saccharine is a known carcinogen. Of course, you would have to drink an ocean of the stuff for it to really make a difference. It doesn't matter. Blame Tab. I intend to. Good old piss-nasty Tab.


Kristen said...

You must have been exposed to it through some bizarre Californian cultural anomaly -- I can't say I had a lot of tab during my high school lit mag days. Though, I do vaguely remember seeing my uncle drink tab at a family reunion. I think that probably turned me off to it long before you so thoughtfully described its taste as "monkey groin." I can't think of many descriptors that make me wanna go out and buy it more than that.

NARDAC said...

I don't know what's more scary: the fact you can get addicted to monkey groin, or that people can continue to knowingly buy shit which is carcinogenic. If you ever post about hating cigarettes but not being able to stop, and cigarettes are stinkier than primate bottoms, you'd get my full wrath. But at least Tab comes in a very cute can.

grace said...

nice ad! did you say you did that? if so, did you find someone to model it for you? or did you pull a stock photo and photoshop that tab in there? nice. i likee...

as far as tab goes, i thought it died out in the 80s until i saw it in the grocery store a few weekends back. i never ever even had a sip of it in my life. maybe i should try it...

although, if i do want to die of cancer, i think i'd rather get it from sitting out in the sun and smoking cigarettes.... i think that's the way to go.

Jer said...

It's a stock image with a few minor alterations (the dress used to be blue) and the Tab can was photoshopped in.

To clarify: Saccharine can't really give you cancer. It was thought, at one point, that it could be dangerous because it caused cancer in some lab rats. But, the studies turned out to be flawed--the amount of saccharine they gave the rats was comically enormous. Give someone that much of ANYTHING and they'll get cancer. It took Tab a while to remove the warning labels though.

I think the labels gave it some extra charm. Bad tasting AND dangerous. Who WOULDN'T want to drink it?!

grace said...

i likeeeee the orange. :)

it's my favorite color.

Jer said...

You're kidding. Orange is MY favorite color. You need to stop liking the same things I like :)

grace said...

are you serious? or are you pulling my leg? because i can be gullible sometimes.

that's crazy! my round eye twin brother! i always wanted one! :P

Jer said...

No leg pulling here. I am quite the orange-lover. And we like the same books and music. I think you need to be your own person and stop leeching off my interests, hehe.

grace said...

well, mr. orange lover. i will stop stalking you, then. :)

i will be lonely without you to stalk, but i'll get over it. *sob*

btw, with exception to the robert jordan books, i am the one who said i liked something first and then YOU jumped on the bandwagon :P yeah. i'm a trendsetter, a tastemaker, even :P

Jer said...

That's true. You have me there.

It seems the stalker has become the stalked.

C.K. said...

Wow! I'm suprised other people actually know what Tab is!
I've grown up with Tab all my life (not very long, but whatever)- probably because my psycotic aunts & uncles drink it, and my mom. So, even if at one point, I thought it was nasty, Tab is probably my favorite soda.
I really don't care what you think it tastes like, though. To me, Tab is awesome. And, another plus, the can is so pretty.

Jer said...

Well you are proof that I'm not making this all up. Yes it tastes like monkey groin to OTHER PEOPLE. But you start to like it after a while. I am quite fond of the taste now that I've had it all these years.

grace said...

mmm... monkey groin.

okay, i'll bite... going to ask the obvious question: how do you know what monkey groin tastes like?

Jer said...

I'm postulating based on smell -- I've been close enough to primates ("La Vallée des Singes" in France, and "Niokolo Koba" in Senegal) to know what monkey groin SMELLS like. Generally, if it smells bad, it tastes bad.

Oh, and there was that one time when I ate monkey groin.

grace said...

i heard that durian smells like ass, but tastes like heaven... is that the only exception to the rule???

monkey groin... *giggles*

editorgirl said...

Jeremy. Whatever happened to Diet Sprite? Or was that just a pub thing?

Kristen said...

Fortunately for us, Diet Sprite only tasts like sodium...try to market that, mister.

C.K. said...

You've got a point there... many people I know think Tab is nasty, but if they drank it long enough, I'm sure they would change their minds.